Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20-24th...Look at what's happening.

Hey there parents,

We are quickly wrapping up the September month. It's crazy how fast things have moved this school year. We are doing a great job showing our Gibson PRIDE.
Here is what we're working on this week:

Reading: We have started our Imagine It series. This week, our class is looking at the "Getting Started" section. This is dealing with word structures, suffixes, and lots of writing.

Math: This week we are taking our previous knowledge and looking at data using Mode, Median and Range. This is a pretty easy concept but the word problems might cause some difficulty. We are going to work on this all week, using skittles and other candies to show our Line Plots, and our data entries.

Writing: This week our class is working on Note Taking. This is a new concept for us, since we are so used to taking information at face value. We are working on paraphrasing and combining knowledge to construct our own sentences.
**Thursday @ 9:00 is our first "On Demand" writing test.**

Here are a few links that we have used in our classroom:
Language Arts: ; this is a great site to use when creating word list and making them into art.

Remember to create Rigor in everything you do.