Monday, November 23, 2009

Short Week but lots to do.

Hi Everyone!!!

I hope that all of you are gearing up for a great holiday break. We all have a lot to be thankful for so these next couple of days are a great way to show your thanks! ...and with food no less. What could be better?

Eventhough we only have a couple of days, we are still going to be working hard and catching up on some things that might have slipped through the cracks.

Reading: We are still working on the Wishgiver. We are now looking at a new character that is involved with a "treeman." Kinda spooky but we'll have to wait and see what that chapter holds for us. Hopefully we will complete the book the week after our Thanksgiving break.

Math: Once again, division is taking over the math time. We are going to work on dividing with a calculator. This will help prep the students for the EOQ when they are allowed to use calculators. I still want them using their brains and not relying on the calculator so much. The best practice at home is to work on Times Tables and Division facts. Simple facts will make a world of difference.

Social Studies: We are getting LOST...with the Lost Colony. We are going to take a couple of days to look into North Carolina's oldest mystery and see if we can learn any insightful things. Who knows...maybe someone in our class will solve the Mystery of the Lost Colony.

Science: We are working on the's a big job. The students are going to being learning about Volcanos, Earthquakes and other natural disasters that shape and change our earth.

There is no spelling this week but we will be working with our Wordbuilders Activity books. This is helping the students get insight to new words and how to use endings such as, --er, --ed, --ing, etc. Wordbuilders is a great program and the students really enjoy working together with each other, discoverying new words.

** REMINDER!!!! We will be having our Terrific Tuesday tomorrow (Tuesday). Please remember to send in Chex-Mix, BBQ Chips, etc. We are making our theme around Thanksgiving.