Hey there parents!
Our school year is moving fast and we are having to move just as quick. Here are somethings that we will be working on this week:
Reading: Our theme continues with "Rot." I think the kids will enjoy this cause it's about gross stuff and things becoming moldy and rotten. We are reading this to apply it to our theme of "Nature's Delicate Balance." We are also working on antonyms for our vocablulary and spelling. Antonyms are opposites!
Math: Our class is working on Order of Operations. It seems that the students are understanding this concept but we will continue to work on it throughout the week.
Writing: Our writing for the next couple of days, takes us into the world of Mad Libs. I have posted a link to the side that has TONS of online Mad Libs that your child can work with at home. Mad Libs are great for showing students Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs (among others). We will be doing a Holiday Mad Lib and then creating a final copy for posting in the hallway.
Social Studies: We are working on Natvie Americans in NC. We have reviewed the first lesson and are now looking at Native American symbols and how they were used to tell stories. We will be making buffalo hides out of paper bags and using them to draw our Native American symbols.
Spelling List for this week: Insult, compliment, silent, noisy, proud, ashamed, positive, negative, friend, enemy, predator, prey, build, destroy, divide, untie, inside, outside, comedy, tragedy, **brittle, **flexible