Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekly Update Sept. 6-10

Hi Everyone,

I hope that all of you had a great holiday break and didn't do too much labor on the holiday. We are jumping right in this week and working hard. Our Imagine It books are in, but we are still waiting for them to be coded for distrubution. Here is a look at what we will be working on for this week.

Math: Ordered Pairs. I have explained to the students about Ordered Pairs and how it is like the game, Battleship. "Over and Up" is the key phrase. We are also looking at how to find points, and creating shapes with Ordered Pairs. This is really a higher level Dot-to-Dot.
**I have given students a CD that has some background music. They are learning rhymes that can help them remember steps in Rounding and Ordered Pairs. Using music is a great way to learn things.

Reading: Since we are still waiting for our Imagine It books, we are going to start reading from Frindle, by Andrew Clements. This is a great starting book for our class. It relates to their age level and shows them that all things can be accomplished when they are persistant.

Writing: We will be finishing our first narrative entitled, "Picture Day." The students are working hard to make the story their own work.

Social Studies: We are still working with the regions of NC. We will be specifically looking at Location and Cultural aspects of the regions.

We are going to hold off on spelling this week. There may be some vocabulary activities for them to do, but nothing for them to memorize.